把“手机欠费”说成“My phone has no money”,老外一脸懵?

那么“刷手机”的正确表达是应该是“look through my phone”。 举个例子: Look through this phone, Sandy what can you see? 桑迪,你刷这手机发现了什么? 词汇拓展 Call me. 给我打电...

虽然居然距离iPhone X发售仍有一个多月的时间,但作为多年来变革最大的iPhone手机,引入了时髦的全面屏设计以及业界先进的FaceID功能,总会成为人们茶余饭后的日常谈资。但是你们有没有发现一个问题,大家对于iPhone X却没有一个统一的读法,这种相互不统一的念法引起很多...

Can't remember life before mobile phones? Chances are you'll also struggle to recall your home phone number and family birthdays. According to a survey released on Friday, the boom in mobiles and portable devices that store reams of personal inform...

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